Fate Codex
John Adamus is a frequent editor and player of many Fate-powered games, and his work can be found in both Fate Worlds books, the forthcoming Paranet Papers supplement for The Dresden Files Roleplaying Game, and Iron Edda. He spends his days helping game designers and authors be more awesome. He frequently tweets about game design and writing techniques on Twitter at @awesome_john and blogs regularly at writernextdoor.com.
In the three years since Heather Beauregard was “convinced” to start running the Dresden Files RPG she’s finished two full campaigns and is in the middle of a third. She’s a Fate enthusiast, a dedicated video gamer, and an aspiring author. She lives in Phoenix with her loving husband and two cats.
Olivia Boyd is a Chicago-based illustrator and designer, currently studying at Columbia College Chicago. When she’s not drinking gallons of coffee or trying to keep houseplants alive, you can find her designing characters, developing graphic novels, and collaborating with other creatives.
When not writing or editing, Sally Christensen crochets unspeakable evil. She lives in the wilds of north Toronto, along with two cats, a Portuguese viking, and her tiny overlord.
Brendan Conway is a longtime gamer who has more recently started writing for and contributing to RPGs. He wrote for the Firefly RPG and will soon be releasing a Dungeon World supplement. He is an Assistant Developer for Magpie Games. He enjoys bacon, egg, and ketchup sandwiches.
Thomas Deeny is a graphic designer who specializes in book layout and game design. His layout and design work can be found in Margaret Weis Productions’ Firefly RPG line, Crafty Games’ Mistborn RPG, and AEG’s Nightfall and Tempest game lines. Thomas is an evangelist for hobby gaming, and helped to organize the gaming community in southern Arizona, working with manufacturers, retailers, and gamers to develop community awareness of the hobby. You can review his published works at denaghdesign.com and follow him on Twitter at @denaghdesign.
Shelley Harlan is an editor by day, and by night...is also an editor, because you can’t get too much of a good thing. She works for the the indie RPG company Faster Monkey Games and still can’t quite get used to the idea that people will pay her money to read gaming material. She also thinks it’s a fun game to see if you can spot the typo in this bio.
Marissa Kelly grew up roleplaying to excess in New Mexico. As an adult, she illustrates and designs indie RPGs, such as her upcoming dragon epic, Epyllion. She co-founded Magpie Games in early 2011 with her partner, Mark Diaz Truman, and currently serves as a lead designer and Senior Art Director of the company. When not RPGing, MK works as a paleontology intern throughout the year, spending her summers in Montana and Wyoming doing field work.
Juan Ochoa: Gumshoe whistleblower reporter hero? A narcissistic antagonist out for blood? Fall-guy for a horrifying nanite invasion? Sleeper agent for extraplanar feline intelligence? The FACTS on El Mucho Colombianisimo: he is a straight-dealing, smooth-lined, grit-toothed artist, twainsplit mirror-master-magician-carouser-cavorter, and noted wizard, withknowledge bilingual, exotic, and esoteric, who theoretically does most of his thinking in Español.
Kaitlynn Peavler, better known on the internet as thedandmom, is a freelance illustrator and graphic designer. She has been producing fantasy art and fun cartoony images for years and has done artwork for Prismatic Art, Conquering Corsairs, Whispering Road, and more. Her own projects include Deck of Legends, Experiment 073, and a new comic in the works called Falsely Outrageous.
Jacob Possin is a writer and game designer. He is currently co-developer of the Jadepunk line and Serial Tales: Iconic Adventures for Reroll Productions. When he is not playing or designing games, he is thinking about games. Seriously, it’s a real problem. Right now, as you read this, Jake is thinking about games. True story.
Mark Diaz Truman is an independent game developer and the co-owner of Magpie Games (magpiegames.com). Mark has authored two indie RPGs—The Play’s the Thing and Our Last Best Hope—and written a number of pieces for Evil Hat Productions, including parts of The Fate Toolkit and Timeworks. Mark is passionate about creating an inclusive and diverse gaming community and is thrilled to have the chance to put forward pieces by both fresh voices and old friends in The Fate Codex!
Amanda Valentine is a freelance RPG editor and developer. Her work includes the Dresden Files RPG, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, Fate Accelerated Edition, Little Wizards, and many others. She also edits fiction, including several of the Spirit of the Century novels. She blogs sporadically at ayvalentine.com about editing, parenting, and gaming. At reads4tweens.com she writes spoilerific book reviews for adults who care about what the kids in their lives are reading. You can find her on Twitter as @ayvalentine and @reads4tweens.